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点击次数:3510 来源:作者:发布时间:2015/4/21 11:48:41


题目: 特发性脊柱侧凸患者物理和康复医学治疗方法
Workshop Title: Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Approach to Idiopathic Scoliosis Patients
开场演讲: 励建安教授,ISPRM主席,中国
Opening Speech: Prof. Jian’an Li, President of ISPRM, China
授课者: 斯坦凡诺·奈格里尼教授; 意大利, 布雷西亚
让·克劳德·德莫鲁瓦教授; 法国, 里昂
贺小桦教授; 美国, 佛罗里达
Speakers: Prof. Stefano Negrini; Milan, Italy
Prof. Jean Claude De Mauroy; Lyon, France
Prof. Shawn He; Florida, USA
物理与康复医学在青少年特发性脊柱侧凸保守治疗中起主要作用,因为所有的治疗方法(运动训练和支架)都在物理与康复医学范畴。Cochrane系统回顾支持脊柱侧凸的支架和特殊的运动训练治疗; 最近的两个随机对照试验结论进一步支持特发性脊柱侧凸的支架和特殊运动训练治疗。国际脊柱侧凸矫形和康复治疗协会(SOSORT)共识表明在专家之间还没有就最佳支架治疗,或支架的生物力学作用达成共识,而病人对支架的依从性不仅是病人的行为的问题,更是临床现象(在支架最佳效果管理标准有强烈的共识)。SOSORT指南提供了保守治疗的实际标准。所有这一切都将在工作坊阐述,并将演示临床病人实际的评估和治疗方法。
Brief description of Workshop/Educational Course:
Physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM) plays a primary role in the so-called conservative treatment of adolescents with IS, since all the therapeutic tools used (exercises and braces) fall into the PRM domain. According to Cochrane systematic reviews there is evidence in favor of bracing and scoliosis-specific exercises; recently, two RCTs gave more strength to these conclusions. Consensuses by the international Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) show that there is no agreement among experts either on the best braces or on their biomechanical action, and that compliance is a matter of clinical more than patients' behavior (there is strong agreement on the management criteria to achieve best results with bracing). The SOSORT Guidelines offer the actual standard of conservative care. All this will be presented in the workshop, and practical instruments for evaluation and treatment of patients will be shown.时间:2015年6月19日
9.00 特发性脊柱侧凸发病机理 -让·克劳德·德莫鲁瓦教授; 里昂 (法国)
9.30 临床,放射性和表面形态评估 -贺小桦教授; 佛罗里达(美国)
10.00 物理与康复治疗循证指南 -斯坦凡诺·奈格里尼教授; 布雷西亚(意大利)
10.30 茶歇
11.00 脊柱侧凸理疗的特殊训练 -让·克劳德·德莫鲁瓦教授; 里昂 (法国)
11.30 支架:证据和学派 -斯坦凡诺·奈格里尼教授; 布雷西亚(意大利)
12.00 非对称支架的新发展 -让·克劳德·德莫鲁瓦教授; 里昂 (法国)
12.20 对称支架的新发展 -斯坦凡诺·奈格里尼教授; 布雷西亚(意大利)
12.40 讨论
Program of the Workshop
9.00 Etiopathogenesis - Jean Claude De Mauroy (Fra)
9.30 Clinical, radiological and surface topography evaluation - Shawn He (USA)
10.00 Evidence-Based Guidelines to PRM treatment - Stefano Negrini (Ita)
10.30 Cofefe break
11.00 Physiotherapic scoliosis specific exercises: evidence and schools - Jean Claude De Mauroy (Fra)
11.30 Bracing: evidence and schools - Stefano Negrini (Ita)
12.00 New developments in asymmetrical braces - Jean Claude De Mauroy (Fra)
12.20 New developments in so-called symmetrical braces - Stefano Negrini (Ita)
12.40 Discussion
Maximum Number of Participants: 300
Thank you very much!


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